Need Training and Facilitation?
Training and facilitation can play a fundamental role in an organization’s success. Get it right and the organization is changed forever. However, get it wrong and not only does the organization remain where it is, a big chunk of time and money has been lost in the process. As a connector, I love that “Aha!” moment when my training leads people to develop deep and powerful connections to new ideas or a beginning proficiency of new skills. I love when I facilitate a conversation in a strategic planning session during which stakeholders of an organization are able to create new solutions to challenging problems. My undergraduate degree is in education and I have experience working with individuals as well as groups of all sizes. If you are looking for training, facilitation, or a speaker for your group or upcoming conference, check below to see if the topic is listed. If you don’t see exactly what you are looking for, feel free to contact me anyway. And if I am unable to present on your topic, I will happily refer you to someone else who has impressed me with his/her brilliance on that topic.
Digital Advertising
- How to utilize digital advertising platforms for businesses and nonprofits, including helping nonprofits sign up for Google for Nonprofits and Google Ad Grants

Social Media/Digital Marketing
- Everything from a broad overview to a deep dive on a specific platform.
- Introduction to Google Analytics and the importance of using website analytics in all digital marketing

Strategic Planning & Capacity Building
- Facilitating workshops to help design and implement governance, structure, and processes surrounding the mission and vision of an organization, or their projects/programs, and/or their marketing plans
- Strategic planning and capacity building are best undertaken within the framework of an anti-oppression structure. (Equity/Diversity/Inclusion or EDI) It is strongly recommended that organizations either include this component in their strategic planning efforts or even embark on EDI work first, before beginning strategic planning.
Professional Development
- Mentorship for young professionals
- Professional communication
- Effective networking techniques
- Leadership development
Interested? Let’s connect!