Chicago is a very big and very siloed city. Which makes it difficult to get anything done. Even more so for the social good sector. Nonprofit organizations are badly under-resourced and over-tasked. Social good doers are looking for ways to get involved with no clear path. Getting information out to the people who want or need it is a difficult task. Therefore, I am using my website to serve as a repository for this information. If you would like to include this information on your website as well, please contact me.
There are two sections containing social good resources, each with a form for you to submit additions:
Organizations & Tools For Nonprofits
These are the resources that nonprofits need to know about. Included on the list are organizations that provide information, as well as reviews on and access to free and low cost technology and vendors.

This is a real time calendar updated with events for nonprofit professionals and people interested in social good and the community.